Zenith, Zero

Switzerland peaks

When I was in Class V, a little boy my age taught me a life lesson. The results for the term exams had just been announced, and I had come first. I was proud and happy, excited about the gifts my family members would get for me. The latest Malory Towers book was certain to be on the list. One of my classmates appeared almost as excited, jumping about, digging into his tiffin box between classes.

“You look happy. How did you do on the exams?” I couldn’t stop myself from asking.

“I came first.”

What a liar! “That can’t be. I came first!”

“Maybe you did, from the top,” he responded nonchalantly. “I am first from the bottom.”

What he said that day was probably just bravado—indifference mixed with anxiety about being scolded by his parents. But I have always remembered what he said.

The zenith and the zero are never too far apart. You could be top today, but the tables might turn the very next second, and voila, suddenly you are at the bottom.

This April was a perplexing month for me. I took up the A-to-Z blogging challenge for the first time, hoping to discipline myself into committing to the blog after months of neglect. Today, I post for the final letter, and my desk calendar reveals that a new month begins tomorrow. It gives me a sense of accomplishment. This month, I was fortunate to come across some terrific blogs and meet some fabulous people virtually. I am thrilled I didn’t let ennui get in the way of blogging every day. I could replicate some of the enthusiasm with which I first started this place. In many ways, today feels like the zenith.

Even so, I know this: zero lurks close. It is hiding in a corner, waiting to pounce on me with disparaging, disorienting thoughts. Like, the conceit of believing that anyone but me cares whether or not this blog breathes. The unwillingness to keep up the tempo because there is no light on the horizon. The baggage of projects I have failed at before, the fear of letting people down.

But guess what? I opened the window a while ago, and a surprising gust of cool air came in. The sunshine appeared more golden, less harsh, hinting at refreshing rain. I think I saw zero silently leave the house; it hates all things fresh and hopeful. Zenith sits beside me right now, grinning and constantly telling me to keep going. I think we could become friends.

*             *             *

I am taking up the April #AtoZChallenge 2019 and will post every day of the month, except Sundays. I look forward to your company!

Click to read my other posts for the A to Z Challenge 2019.

Find out more about the #AtoZChallenge 2019 by clicking the badge below:


47 thoughts on “Zenith, Zero

  1. I started first from your Z and couldn’t help chuckling to myself at the irony (at least the one I see). I love how you drew a metaphor and ended this on such a high. I wish you lots of zeniths 🙂

  2. I finally got time today to read up on all your posts!!! Congratulations on completing the challenge on time!! yay!! Every post of yours was amazing!!! So glad i chanced upon your blog!

  3. I have to say, you did such a splendid job. I enjoyed reading every post, though I couldn’t comment as often as I’d have liked to. I am jealous you got to discover new blogs and make new friends in this process. I didn’t find any of that, but again, I know I didn’t take any effort to make that happen either.

    I often wonder if anyone but me cares about whether or not my blog breathes too. Once I am done with this writing challenge, I am going to really evaluate my feelings and decide how important it is to me to keep the blog alive.

    • Thanks a ton, Pepper. So happy you enjoyed reading the posts for the challenge. I have to catch up on yours. Something BIG happened to me and I’ll be posting about it.
      And yes, about your blog? You HAVE to keep it going. I assure you there are scores of people who care about it. How do I know this? Because I frequently find myself turning to some of your old posts, simply to enjoy the straightforwardness of your writing. Hang in there. ❤

  4. Wowww.. I loved the zenith and zero perception that you mentioned. It is so true. You have done a great job and I thoroughly enjoyed your posts a lot. Let’s stay in touch (virtually) 💞

  5. I like this Zenith, very much ❤ I enjoyed you and your writing immensely. There is something in your words that speaks to my heart. Plus, you're a lovely human. I'm grateful to have met you. High Five on your A-Z Challenge!

  6. And you made it! What a fabulous closure to this tag. You have done it in a very neat organized way. Wish I could be half as sensible about it.
    I had to take two breaks in the process which kind of interfered with the flow.
    Neverthless, I am going to plod till I get to the end. Another 10 days to go.

    But you should be really complimented on how well you wrote every post. It was a pleasure reading through your every post. Keep shining, Deb! 🙂

    • A, you are incredibly kind! Your words thrilled me and delighted my soul; I’m jumping about right now like – um, catfish? 😀
      Wishing you good luck for the remaining 10 days – look forward to reading the rest of the posts, as always. Thank you and much love! ❤

  7. You are a writer par excellence Debo. I mean it. It’s been a pleasure to know you and a delight to read you. My feelings resonate with your posts now. I know I’m waiting to take the much needed break now and then I know I will also worry about losing the discipline in my writing schedule. But congratulations to you for acing this challenge. May you reach the zenith of success, always and forever.

    • That is perhaps the sweetest and most encouraging thing I have heard in a while. You don’t know the difference it makes to my mental makeup right now. Thanks a TON and I wish you the same – lots of happiness and success, much-needed breaks and essential discipline, and yes, staying connected with your virtual pals (read ME) 😀 ❤

  8. Congratulations dear on completing this challenge. And thanks for staying by and encouraging me. I hope we will connect more over writing. Zero is a beginning to reach the zenith. Good luck!

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