Acceptance – #AToZChallenge

Right from the cradle—actually, from the birth canal—we are constantly pushed. There is the push to meet developmental milestones, to be the healthiest baby around, the chirpiest toddler, the brightest student. We grow up, but the push never really lets up. For those of us who grew up amid considerable jostling, it can be hard to fathom when this push ceases being external. We internalise this drive; we beat ourselves up for missed goals, unmet deadlines, and un-kept promises.

Life needn’t be so hard.

This first day of April, as I begin the #AToZChallenge—the first time I am taking it up—I want to remind myself and anyone reading this that it is okay not to achieve certain things. Sometimes, one must accept instead.



So, this April, while I endeavour to eat healthily, I will accept that there will be days when I partake of ice-cream, fried deliciousness and one zero-nutrition snack after the other. I will attempt to reach out to people who care for me and those I hold dear. But I will willingly accept my occasional need for a cocoon into which no one may enter. Every day, I will try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time, but I won’t kill myself with guilt if I watch that Netflix series till past midnight or lie in till noon once in a while. Some dirty dishes can linger in the sink for a few hours; they won’t perish and neither will I.

Being able to extend this approach to the workplace can be even more daunting, especially when you are given the impression that acceptance equates complacence. But I will persevere. I will say no to work assignments I don’t feel up to taking, accepting how periods of highs and phases of low productivity often go in tandem. I will make peace with people who cannot stop themselves from cracking inane jokes or making snide remarks; after all, it takes all sorts to build a world.

This April, I will accept that some people have left me, never to return. But I have forged new alliances and started new relationships. With time, I have changed in some irreparable ways; I will accept them all. Many of these changes have made me stronger, more beautiful, and more resilient. Some of my old dreams have since faded—and it is okay. New ones have taken their place.

Talking about acceptance is one thing; implementing it in daily life is another. I will be completely honest: acceptance doesn’t come easily to me. I get riled when things don’t go my way, when the only resort is to put down my weapons and stop resisting. But this I have realised: acceptance is, sometimes, necessary. It is the only way to be happy and content in a world where several things are out of your control.

If you, like me, also struggle with acceptance, I am leaving you with one little trick that I have found useful.

Whenever in trouble, just tell yourself this: Acceptance does NOT mean defeat. Very often, it means prioritising self-love and taking a few steps back to renew and rejuvenate. Eventually, you will find your fervour restored and be able to move ahead, instead of struggling at the same spot with foolish obstinacy.

*             *             *

I am taking up the April #AtoZChallenge 2019 and will post every day of the month, except Sundays. I look forward to your company!

Click to read my other posts for the A to Z Challenge 2019.

Find out more about the #AtoZChallenge 2019 by clicking the badge below:

#AtoZChallenge 2019

28 thoughts on “Acceptance – #AToZChallenge

  1. So true. We are always a little too harsh on ourselves.
    So good to see that you’ve taken up the challenge. A post everyday to read, love it!

    • We are, aren’t we? Creatures of habit! 😛

      The challenge has proved therapeutic so far – first time I am doing it, and that too during a rather turbulent phase of my life. Look forward to seeing you around more often!<3

  2. I guess I am here for the first time to taste the paneer and pulao. Like the aroma of the theme and it tastes amazing too. Awesome theme. Short crisp and impactful post.
    #ContemplationOfaJoker #Jokerophilia

  3. What a lovely concept for ‘A’. This is called starting right.
    As they say, “Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”
    Acceptance is key.

  4. I so agree. For most of us though, this understanding, actually this very acceptance of the fact that acceptance doesn’t mean defeat, comes much later in our lives, after we have spent a lot of time, a lot of effort, trying to make everything ‘right’, pushing ourselves to meet the defined standards of ‘amazing’. But I guess better late than never. I for one, have been consciously trying to move away from the pull of trying to fight things as they stand, and working towards being more forgiving, mainly to myself. 🙂

    • Absolutely. We go too far before we realize we are in too deep…that forgiveness and empathy and well, acceptance, are going to be excruciating to develop. I am so happy to hear of your motto. I am also going to try and be more forgiving toward others as well as myself.
      Great to hear from you! 🙂

  5. Such a beautifully put together post, Deb. Accepting that things can and will go wrong and it is best to deal with them rather than hoping that they don’t happen at all is the better choice. Beating ourselves up never achieves any purpose.

  6. I think I have the opposite problem. I tend to accept my flaws too easily and start becoming comfortable in them. I get annoyed, sure. But not enough to try and work on them. I keep justifying it in my head instead and convince myself it’s okay to not exercise, it’s okay to sit back and read instead of finishing all my chores, even when I know that ultimately, it isn’t okay if do this often. Oh well..

    • We can be so hard on ourselves, no? Of this I am sure: you completely deserve any rest you can get. So, don’t worry about justifications and guilt – put your feet up once in a while and let it be 🙂

What do you think?