Beauty, over the ages

~*Editor’s Choice Pick at BlogJunta

~*Prize Winning Entry in Dove and Yahoo! Real Beauty Contest

Early Morning


When the morning sun streams in from the window, Mom keeps her eyes tightly shut. She has been ill for a while now and can’t wake up with dawn as she used to. Her eyebrows are a wee bit scant, her hair thin. As I wake up and turn to my side, I refrain from kissing her forehead a Good Morning. I don’t want to wake her up just yet…

Mom gave up her job when I was in the Second Form. She appointed herself, you see, as a full-time teacher-cum-Mommy.

I am sure you will live to regret this decision.” a colleague of hers ominously announced, her shoulders drawn in a shrug. ‘Time lost can never come back.”

Granny says Mom walked down to the market that evening, barely a moment after placing her farewell bouquet in a vase. She bought me ice-cream as a treat for topping the Environmental Science class test. “I wish she knew Ma,” she told Granny as I relished my chocolate delight, “just how precious this time with my little girl is.

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